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Nuer Development Association (NDA) was reestablished and reorganized in 2013, after 13 years of its formation (2000GC) when it was known as Nuer Development Association (NUDA). NDA is non–profit and non-political organization. It has its head office in Gambella city, the regional capital of Gambella Peoples National Regional State.

NDA has branch offices in all the Waredas/districts of Nuer Administration Zone and elsewhere when deemed necessary. It was re-organized with the objective of supporting the regional state government in its efforts to alleviate poverty and eradicate backwardness through development endeavor.
Currently, NDA in its programs focuses on the provision of education and health services, local income-generating activities through small scale businesses and entrepreneurship skills development. Women and girl empowerment, policy advocacy, peace-building and conflict resolution at the grass-root community levels.
There are about five staff members who are employed by the organization. All of them are based at the head office in Gambella, Western Ethiopia.

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