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Relief and Emergency Program


The region is prone to disasters of manmade and nature

The existence of floods and drought which also caused by land degradation and deforestation, in the region.

Infiltrated robbery gunmen around  the border looking for children and cattle


Respond to the crises that affect the community through relief aids and rehabilitation programs in order to enable the vulnerable Community to live in harmony in their vanities.


Prepares projects and programs in response to tragic crises affecting the target communities and Provides relief and Rehabilitation for the affected population.

Coordinates actions and planning in line with the Regional Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency.

Involves professional staff to work in  emergency relief and rehabilitation program


Conducts training and sensitization workshops on disaster risk management and early warning mechanisms yearly for 100 participants from target woredas.

Provide relief and Rehabilitation for all affected populations in the target woredas.

Awareness creation workshop for 200 participants on prevention & conservation of forest