About Us

Nuerda is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the provision of education, health services, local income-generating activities through small scale businesses and entrepreneurship skills development. Women and girl empowerment, policy advocacy, peace-building and conflict resolution at the grass-root community levels.

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Strategic Objectives

Through its five years strategic plan, Nuerda shall have the followings programs which are going to be executed/ implemented according the objectives set forth in its article of Association

Our Mission

The mission statement of the  Nuer Development Association (Nuerda) is to contribute to sustainable development and harmony within the primary stakeholders by rendering basic social services to the target disadvantaged communities in Gambella Regional State

Our Vision

Nuerda aspires to see a community free from poverty; backwardness and living in harmony with one another and its neighbors in Gambella Regional State.


Alleviate Poverty and Erase Backwardness by Developing the people and community around,


We aim to show orphans mercy, care, and protection, and because these waiting children are essential to us, they should be essential to us as the society.

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Meet The Team

We're a multidisciplinary team with a passion for creating a better future. We work with businesses and people to create a more beautiful world.

Chief Executive Officer

Nyakor M. Kueth

Head Office - Washington State, US

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id mi faucibus, malesuada quam eget, facilisis turpis. Quisque ac purus erat.

Donec id pharetra tellus, vitae vehicula dolor. Aenean leo lorem, tempor vel mauris in, interdum fringilla erat. Nam auctor sodales dapibus. Ut et nibh sed neque lobortis mollis. Cras mauris tellus, ornare sed vestibulum eu, sagittis vitae justo. Vivamus pellentesque augue in orci commodo dignissim. Fusce id mi lacus.

Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.

Executive Director

Reverend Philip Ding Gach

Head Office - Gambella, Ethiopia

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id mi faucibus, malesuada quam eget, facilisis turpis. Quisque ac purus erat.Donec id pharetra tellus, vitae vehicula dolor. Aenean leo lorem, tempor vel mauris in, interdum fringilla erat.

Nam auctor sodales dapibus. Ut et nibh sed neque lobortis mollis. Cras mauris tellus, ornare sed vestibulum eu, sagittis vitae justo. Vivamus pellentesque augue in orci commodo dignissim. Fusce id mi lacus.

Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.

Can we do better?

Support Our Work By Donating whatever you can. We will really apppreciate.



Main Office

1411 100th St S, Tacoma

WA 98444, United States


Tel: +1 206-390-4640

Email: nuer.nda.usa@gmail.com

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Nuer Development Association
All Rights Reserved