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Our Programs


Programs Summary

Programs Summary
Through its five years strategic plan, NDA (Nuer Development Association) shall have the followings programs which are going to be executed/implemented according the objectives set forth in its article of Association:
Expansion and increasing access of primary and secondary education and improving its quality, relevance and equity.
Elimination of harmful traditional practices through awareness creation and public mobilization.
Promotion of traditional dancing groups with the aim of making the people confidence of themselves and proud of their own culture and tradition through cultural promotion activities.
Expansion of basic health services by constructing health posts and health stations as well as Health centers in selected areas.
Improving maternal and child health services as well as health education services in collaboration with the local health authorities.
Establishing agricultural, animal and fish breeding centers and carry out extension services.
Provision of clean drinking and portable water by digging water boreholes and wells.
Business skills development and entrepreneurship by creating awareness and providing technical support and microcredit credit facilities.
Gender equality and human rights protection; leadership and governance, training and development.
Creating awareness programs on environmental and wildlife protection through seminars and forums.
Provision of relief during disasters and assist in rehabilitating the victims of the disaster afterward.
Below is a broad summary of the programs of the organization
Capacity Building Component
Combating Gender-Based Violence
Cultural heritage Promotion and Sport
Health Program
Livelihood and Economic Empowerment
Relief and Emergency Program
Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion
Supporting Education

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Capacity Building Component
Capacity Building Component
Combating Gender-Based Violence
Livelihood and Economic Empowerment
Relief and Emergency Program
Supporting Education
Health Program
Sanitation and Hygiene
Cultural Heritage Promotion and Sports